Chocolate Protein Muffins (gluten-free, dairy-free)

pennybenjaminBaked Goods, Nourish, Snacks, SweetsLeave a Comment

Chocolate Protein Muffins

What happens when you have an abundance of random flours and bits and pieces in your pantry? Well, I had a hankering for chocolate muffins, so I basically just ‘winged it’ to get them to a consistency that seemed like muffin batter. I call the result, “Clear out the Pantry” Chocolate Protein Muffins! These Chocolate Protein Muffins are also gluten … Read More

Handmade Moisturiser

pennybenjaminDIY Home and Body Care, NourishLeave a Comment


Don’t want strange nasties rubbed all over your skin? Neither do I. So I’ve recently been experimenting with homemade body products from Body Butter, Anti-aging face cream and Body Scrub to a DIY Sea Salt Hair Spray. My friend Erin over at the Herb Spa makes almost all of her own skin and hair care items so I’ve been picking … Read More

Eggplant Parmigiana [gluten-free, dairy-free]

pennybenjaminMain Meals, NourishLeave a Comment

eggplant parmigiana

My all time favourite vegetable has got to be Eggplant. It’s just such a versatile vegetable; my favourite is to have it cut into thick ‘chips’ and baked with fish on a friday night. But I also love it as eggplant pizza, roasted, curried, grilled, fried, and baked into an Eggplant Parmigiana! A lot of people often recoil in disgust … Read More

Beetroot Relish

pennybenjaminDips, Nourish, Sauces, Dressings and CondimentsLeave a Comment

beetroot relish

I’ve always been a massive fan of condiments; dips, chutneys, relishes, mustards, sauces, you name it. I’m well aware that you can turn pretty much anything into a condiment, however I seem to mainly just make a whole lot of dips. Well times are a changing and I’m expanding my skill set, beginning with beetroot relish! One of my favourite … Read More

Pear and Raspberry Crumble

pennybenjaminBreakfasts, Nourish, SweetsLeave a Comment


It’s starting to cool down here in Brisbane (although I’m sure my Victorian friends will inform me that I need to suck it up lol) which means it’s time for warming, comforting desserts like crumble! Ugh. Crumble. Who doesn’t love a good crumble? Apple, of course, is the traditional kind, but to be honest, I’ve always prefered pears to apples, … Read More

Low Sugar, Choc-Chip Walnut Cookies

pennybenjaminNourish, Snacks, Superfoods, Sweets2 Comments

Walnut cookies

I’m celebrating Healthy Heart Week with these Low Sugar, Choc-Chip Walnut Cookies! Who knew the humble walnut a powerhouse of nutrition? I sure did, I’ve been on the walnut-train for years and here’s why: They’re rich in omega-3 fatty acids which help to reduce inflammation in the body (an important factor in the development of heart disease). Just a 30g … Read More


pennybenjaminMain Meals, Nourish, Sauces, Dressings and CondimentsLeave a Comment


I was incredibly fortunate as a child up to have parents who welcomed international homestay students into our home to live while they studied English.We hosted homestay students from all over – Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China. As kids it was quite novel learning all about another culture, their customs, traditions and their favourite foods. My sister and I loved when they … Read More

Dark Chocolate Jaffa Flan

pennybenjaminNourish, Snacks, Sweets1 Comment

jaffa flan

I saw these flans made recently on the 2019 season of My Kitchen Rules (Channel 7). They really looked so tasty and I thought I could make a healthier version, lower in sugar and free from gluten and dairy which would be friendlier for my wide variety of friends with dietary restrictions. It has a really beautiful, creamy texture, which … Read More