Gluten-Free Christmas Pudding with Dairy-Free Brandy Cream

pennybenjaminBaked Goods, Nourish, Snacks, SweetsLeave a Comment

Gluten-Free Christmas Pudding

Forget the pavlova and trifle, Gluten-Free Christmas Pudding is my all time favourite Christmas dessert. And now, I’ve finally made one of my own! If you like this recipe then try my Orange & Almond Cake recipe, my Balsamic Raspberry & Apple cake – also gluten and dairy free but definitely delicious, and actually make really good breakfasts!   Gluten … Read More

Roast Cauliflower and Green Bean Salad

pennybenjaminBreakfasts, Main Meals, Nourish2 Comments

green bean salad

Need something interesting to dish up at your next gathering? Try this dairy-free, vegan Roast Cauliflower & Green Bean Salad. Lunch leftovers are a win too! If you love this, then you’ll love my whole baked cauliflower as well! Serves 8-10 as a side Time – about 45mins Ingredients: 500g washed green beans, top & tailed and halved 1/2 a … Read More

Coleslaw (dairy-free, vegan)

pennybenjaminBreakfasts, Main Meals, NourishLeave a Comment


Need something interesting to dish up at your next gathering? Try this dairy-free, vegan Coleslaw. Have it on a burger, wrap or just by itself! Serves 8-10 as a side Time – about 15mins Coleslaw Ingredients: 1/4 Savoy cabbage, shredded 1/4 red cabbage, shredded 3 large carrots, julienned 1 red capsicum, sliced into fine strips 2 generous handfuls fresh parsley, … Read More

Homemade, Spiced, Slow Cooked Corned Beef

pennybenjaminMain Meals, NourishLeave a Comment

Corned Beef

What to do when you’ve got some spare, beautiful organic, pastured, organic beef brisket available? Well one thing you can do, is a home made, spiced corned beef! One question I know you’ll ask, is “why isn’t it pink? All other corned beef I’ve had is pink…”. Most corned beef is pink due to the use of nitrate salts which … Read More

Savoury Muffins With the Lot

pennybenjaminBaked Goods, Breakfasts, Nourish, SnacksLeave a Comment

Savoury Muffins

I don’t make muffins often enough. I see friends with kids who make them all the time, and I can see why; muffins are great, easy snack options, they freeze well and can be made extremely healthy by using nutrient-dense real food ingredients including hidden veggies, nuts, fruit, herbs and spices. I actually made this batch of savoury muffins for … Read More

Plantain Granola

pennybenjaminBaked Goods, Breakfasts, Nourish, SnacksLeave a Comment

Plantain Granola

This recipe for Plantain Granola is great because it’s totally flexible to what YOU like (and what you have in the pantry)! Check out the recipe below and adjust to suit your favourite/available/seasonal nuts and dried fruit! All you need is 5-6 basic ingredients (which are flexible) and you’re set. What are Plantains? Plantains are extremely common in the USA … Read More

Balsamic, Raspberry and Apple Cake

pennybenjaminBaked Goods, Breakfasts, Nourish, Snacks, SweetsLeave a Comment


Something a little different for breakfast this week – Balsamic, Raspberry and Apple Cake. Yes, this cake is healthy enough and delicious enough for BREAKFAST, and of course dessert! Join me in this celebration of Italian Balsamic vinegar, extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) and seasonal fruit. If you like this recipe, you’ll LOVE these Red Velvet Brownies too! Gluten Free, … Read More

Thai Style Salad

pennybenjaminBreakfasts, Main Meals, NourishLeave a Comment

Thai Style Salad

There’s nothing fresher and more perfect for the palate during the humid Queensland summer months than a refreshing Thai Style Salad! Double the dressing and use half as a marinade for beef, chicken or tempeh which you can grill and serve with or add too the Thai Style Salad! Serves 8-10 as a side Time – about 20mins Ingredients: 1 … Read More