The Perfect Roast Beetroot

pennybenjaminMain Meals, NourishLeave a Comment

roast beetroot

I used to find that beetroot would always dry out when I tried to roast it in the oven. And then I leant this trick from my good friend Zuzia (thanks Zuz)! Now every time I make roast beetroot, it’s perfectly moist, soft and buttery!  Recipe Type: GF, DF, Paleo, V Ingredients: 1 whole, raw beetroot 1 sheet aluminium foil … Read More

Curried Sausages

pennybenjaminMain Meals, NourishLeave a Comment

curried sausages

It’s a bit cool here in Brisbane (although I’m sure my Victorian friends will inform me that I need to suck it up lol) which means it’s time to get the slow cooker out! I went hunting in the freezer for something to cook in it and came across my favourite Sherwood Rd Organic Meats sausages (free range, gluten-free, literally just … Read More

Apricot and Mustard Glazed Ham

pennybenjaminMain Meals, NourishLeave a Comment

christmas ham

Christmas 2017 was my first time glazing and presenting a Christmas ham. And here it is! I had such fun doing it, and it was totally not as hard as I’d thought it would be. I took some inspiration from some of my favourite chefs; Jamie Oliver, Maggie Beer. Then created my own, DELICIOUS glaze for this beautiful ham. The … Read More

Apricot Sesame Bliss Balls

pennybenjaminNourish, Snacks, Sweets2 Comments

apricot sesame

What do you do when life gives you over a kilo of organic dried apricots? And you’re a fan of Tahini, hemp seeds, brazil nuts? And you’re about to head on a road trip? Well, I don’t know about you, but I made these apricot sesame bliss balls for Mum and I to take on our road trip 🙂 Recipe … Read More

Paleo Pumpkin Gnocchi with Ham and Brussel Sprouts

pennybenjaminMain Meals, Nourish2 Comments

paleo gnocchi

Gnocchi is one of those dishes that can be really hard to do gluten-free and whole-food based. I’ve tried many times without success. Enter inspiration from Luke Hines’ Pumpkin Gnocchi recipe! Aside from tasting amazing, the pumpkin actually adds a good amount of moisture to this gnocchi which you don’t get from sweet potato. The other thing I love about … Read More

Oat, Peanut Butter and Fruit Cookies

pennybenjaminBaked Goods, Nourish, Snacks, SweetsLeave a Comment


Wow. The last couple of weeks have been exhausting. My father passed away at the end of June and it’s been a tough time in the weeks since. Emotionally tiring yes, but also physically draining with all the lifting, moving and packing. Not to mention the decision fatigue… so many things to decide. I tried to take time out for … Read More

Vanilla Slice – Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Refined Sugar Free

pennybenjaminNourish, Sweets4 Comments

vanilla slice

Vanilla Slice had to be one of my favourite bakery treats as a kid. There was just something about the creamy custard filling and sweet vanilla flavour that won me over every time, even when it was competing against other bakery staples like scones, caramel tarts and lemon meringue! Now, as a nutritionist who has clients intolerant to things like … Read More

Nutiiboost Apple & Berry Crumble

pennybenjaminBreakfasts, Nourish, SweetsLeave a Comment


Cooler weather calls for warmer, more comforting food. Enter the humble crumble. Ugh. Crumble. Who doesn’t love a good crumble? Apple, of course, is the traditional kind, but I’ve always loved to jazz mine up with other delights as well. I had about a kilo of frozen raspberries in the freezer, so raspberries went into this version too! You could … Read More

Guest Blog – 1 Week in Sydney

pennybenjaminPB-Log, Travel1 Comment


Guest Blog: 1 Week in Sydney By Diana Smith   Looking for the best way to explore the most famous and popular Australian city? Essentially, the perfect itinerary doesn’t exist, and it all depends on what your preferences are. However, Sydney does have plenty of landmarks and attractions, and it may become overwhelming to organize yourself within just one week. … Read More

Vitamins – An Overview

pennybenjaminNutrition, PB-LogLeave a Comment

nutrition workshop

When it comes to the world of health, dieting, combating diabetes & obesity, weight-loss, fitness, nutrition and wellbeing in general, there are many terms being thrown around that aren’t completely understood by the majority of the population. Things like low-carb, paleo, ketogenic, vitamins, insulin-resistance, nutrient-deficiencies, high-protein and much more. In a previous blog post, I broke Nutrition down into the basic principles … Read More