NEW STUDY: Living near fast-food stores makes you obese!

pennybenjaminNutrition, PB-Log, UncategorizedLeave a Comment

… Or does it? Headlines like this grab your attention, don’t they? Unfortunately, they are often misleading and misinterpret associated research. Today I’ll take you through a recent nutrition study, to show you some things to look out for! The Study Compelling evidence already independently links one’s exposure to fast food(1-3) and lower socioeconomic status (SES) (4-6) with increased risk of … Read More

Pesto Zucchini “Spaghetti”

pennybenjaminMain Meals, NourishLeave a Comment

Zucchini Pesto Pasta

Pesto and Italy. They go together like “Love and Marriage”, “peas and carrots”. You get the picture. Pesto, has got to be one of my favourite flavours/sauces/accompaniments. Whether it’s with zoodles like this or topped on a lovely piece of lamb. Check out my Italian-inspired pesto here. Recipe Type: GF, DF(option), RSF, V, Paleo Serves 4-6 Time 30 min Ingredients – 4 medium … Read More

Coconut Turmeric Latte

pennybenjaminBreakfasts, Nourish, Snacks, SuperfoodsLeave a Comment

turmeric latte

Turmeric is one of the most easily found superfoods. It is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent and anti-microbial. It should be a go-to ingredient especially when you’re feeling under the weather, no matter what the ailment. It’s rainy and cold here in the Netherlands at the moment so I’m making an immunity-boosting coconut milk turmeric latte – sounds a bit funny … Read More

Vegan Apple Pie Blondies

pennybenjaminBaked Goods, Nourish, Snacks, SweetsLeave a Comment

What does one do when your uncle sends you home with a bag full of apples? Get creative with Apple recipes of course! I’d recently made some delicious gooey Chocolate Brownies (recipe is here) so I was inspired to make something similar but with apples… A bit of experi-baking and I came up with these Apple Pie Blondies! Perfect for dessert … Read More

Thai Green Curry with Cauliflower Rice

pennybenjaminMain Meals, NourishLeave a Comment

Cold winter nights? Nothing warms me up better than a hot & spicy Thai Green Curry. Here’s a simple, easy recipe with a lighter alternative to stodgy rice. Recipe type: GF, DF, Paleo Serves: 4 Time: 45min Ingredients: 1 400mL can coconut cream (full fat) 400g chicken breast or thigh cut into strips (pork and fish work nicely too) 1 … Read More

13 Typical Dutch Foods

pennybenjaminPB-Log, TravelLeave a Comment

13 Typical Dutch Foods Italy and France are more commonly thought of as the “food epicentres” of Europe, and rightly so, they produce delicious food. However, amongst the hype of the canals, windmills, clogs, tulips and red light districts, the food of The Netherlands can often get overlooked, which is sad. From mini pancakes to salty seafood, hail on bread and … Read More

Nature, Food and History in The Lot, France

pennybenjaminPB-Log, TravelLeave a Comment

France. What comes to mind when you think of France? Perhaps Paris, The Eiffel Tower, Champagne, wine, brie, camembert, baguettes, crepes and croissants? Paris, Marseille and Bordeaux attract millions of tourists each year, as do the wine regions of Champagne, The Loire and Bordeaux. A lesser known region, but just as beautiful, delicious and fascinating is the region of The … Read More

Roast Chook with Easy Stuffing

pennybenjaminMain Meals, NourishLeave a Comment

Roast chicken

In between housesitting through Europe, I’ve been fortunate to have family, friends and friends-of-friends to stay with and visit from time-to-time. One way I like to say “thank you for having me” is by cooking a meal for the family. This Roast Chicken has featured several times during my travel. It’s EASY, tolerance-friendly, affordable, DELICIOUS and perfect for socialising (just prepare and … Read More

Say Cheeeessee!! 400 Years of Dutch Tradition at the Alkmaar Cheese Markets

pennybenjaminPB-Log, TravelLeave a Comment

Alkmaar Cheese Markets

Cheese Markets – 400 Years of Dutch Tradition Say Cheeeesssseee!!! Gouda, Edam, Beemster, Maasdam, Roomano and more!  Along with windmills, bikes, tulips and family; cheese is certainly one of the first things that comes to mind when I think of the Netherlands. A great deal of history and tradition are held in the making of cheese in The Netherlands. From … Read More

Lettuce Burgers with Balsamic Caramelised Red Onion

pennybenjaminMain Meals, NourishLeave a Comment

lettuce burger

Who doesn’t love a little Summer burger fun? I surely love a good burger every now and then. So I’m sharing my favourite recipe here! Recipe Type: GF, DF, RSF, Paleo Serves 4 Time 45 mins Ingredients: For Burger Patties: 400g organic mince of choice 1 red onion, diced finely 2 cloves garlic, crushed salt and pepper to season handful of … Read More