Choc-Chip Fudge Bliss Balls – Low FODMAP & SIBO

pennybenjaminNourish, Snacks, Sweets2 Comments

choc chip fudge balls

When you’re following a low FODMAP or SIBO-Biphasic protocol, there aren’t a whole lot of fruits and sweet things to include. After some tweaking and testing though, I’ve come up with these divine little balls of fudge goodness! You would have no idea that they’re completely sugar free and get the tick from the FODMAP family as well as SIBO … Read More

Kangaroo Bolognese – Low FODMAP & SIBO Friendly

pennybenjaminMain Meals, Nourish, SuperfoodsLeave a Comment

kangaroo bolognese

In Australia, kangaroo is a very sustainable meat. It’s local, a great source of protein and iron, plus it’s quite lean.  Kangaroo is also a fantastic source of zinc and offers a wide range of the B-group vitamins like niacin, B-12, B6, riboflavin and Thiamin. This slow-cooker kangaroo bolognese is s delicious way to enjoy it! This recipe is low-FODMAP and … Read More

Pancakes – The way you like!

pennybenjaminBreakfasts, Main Meals, Nourish, SweetsLeave a Comment


Since I’ve been following a low FODMAP/SIBO protocol, I’ve been experimenting with the same pancake base but varying flavour combinations. The first back were last month’s Savoury Pancakes. But I’ve had such fun inventing: Lime and coconut pancakes Lemon and ginger pancakes Turmeric Latte pancakes Chocolate pancakes All the recipes use the same base ingredients just with different flavour additions. … Read More

Guest Blog – 48 Hours in Melbourne

pennybenjaminPB-Log, Travel5 Comments


Guest Blog: How to Spend 48 Hours in Melbourne By Emma Lawson A weekend in Melbourne can be plenty of time to get to know the soul and groove of this magnificent Australian city. Of course, it all depends on how open you are to new experiences. But if you welcome Melbourne with open arms, you can be sure that … Read More


pennybenjaminNutrition, PB-LogLeave a Comment


I regularly use these resources to expand my health and wellness knowledge. Pubmed and Google Scholar – are fantastic databases you can use to search for evidence-based research. Jessica Cox Nutritionist  – The Nutrition Press – Evidence-based blogs written for the every-day person to understand the science stuff! Positive Health Wellness –    

Kangaroo Meatloaf with Plum & Orange reduction

pennybenjaminMain Meals, Nourish, SuperfoodsLeave a Comment


In Australia, kangaroo is a very sustainable meat. It’s local, a great source of protein and iron, plus it’s quite lean. Organic, grassfed liver is also a absolute battery-pack of nutrients. But if you’re anything like me, you don’t like the flavour or texture that much. Blending liver and kangaroo with another meat like chicken or pork is a great way … Read More

Savoury Pancake – FODMAP & SIBO-Friendly

pennybenjaminBreakfasts, Main Meals, NourishLeave a Comment


You may or may not have heard of Low FODMAP and SIBO diet protocols in general and social media over the last year or two. They are used to treat some specific conditions like SIBO, SIFO (Small Intestinal Bacterial/Fungal Overgrowth), IBS and specific gut dysbioses. After recent testing to get to the bottom of some persistent and undesirable symptoms (bloating, psoriasis, gas and candida-like … Read More

Mexican Burger Patties

pennybenjaminMain Meals, NourishLeave a Comment

Mexican burger

Got a hankering for a Mexican meal, or burgers? I often get cravings for both of these! So one day I decided to make something that hits both spots! These Mexican burger patties are the best of both worlds! They’re a perfect option for meat-free Monday, are fabulous take-to-work lunch options, in a lettuce burger or crumbled through a salad or … Read More

Naughty Black Galliano Bliss Balls

pennybenjaminNourish, Snacks, SweetsLeave a Comment


With my Dutch background, it follows that I am an absolute sucker for anything aniseed and liquorice flavoured! Including Galliano :P. Understandably, these Black Sambucca Bliss Balls won’t be for everyone but for those who do like liquorice, they make for an awesome ‘night cap’! Recipe Type: GF, DF, RSF, V, Paleo Serves 12 balls Time 5 minutes Ingredients: 1 C almond meal 1/4 … Read More