PB Lifestyles makes an appearance at the 44th Annual Sydney City2Surf!
Sunday 9th August saw four amazing people take part in Sydney’s City2Surf as part of team PB Lifestyles! For Justine Davis and Marty Tindal, this was their first EVER City2Surf, while Danni Buchner had done it once before (plus I’ve done it 4 times before as well).

Pre-race shenanigans. Danni, Penny and Justine after a coffee at Coco!

Marty and Penny – friends and colleagues from Penny’s Engineering background.
And what a day it was indeed! Sydney sure knows how to put on a FUN RUN! I’ve done the C2S 4 times before but it just gets better every year! The weather was perfect, the music and entertainment were consistent throughout the entire course, the views always spectacular, not to mention the characters dressed-up and participating in the race along the way – oh so entertaining!
First thing Sunday morning the team met up for a pre-race pep-talk and coffee at Marty’s Coco Noir in Westfield Sydney. There must have been something in the coffee as things quickly got a little silly!
In the cool of the morning (don’t let the sun fool you – it was still quite cold at that time!) we headed out to Hyde Park for some shots with Warrick Eady Photography to mark this special occasion before nervously making our way to the start line!

Getting ready for the big race! [photography thanks to Warrick Eady Photography]

Heading to the start line! [photography thanks to Warrick Eady Photography]

The iconic Hyde Park Fountain. [photography thanks to Warrick Eady Photography]
Before we knew it, we were off! And then we weren’t, but then we were again… It was an amusing start! Due to the sheer popularity and numbers of people participating in the City2Surf, it takes a while for everyone to get across the start line. Once we finally started the race we couldn’t believe how much fun we were having!
So much music and entertainment along the way, and tonnes of dress-ups, in fact we started with a trio of gorillas (I hope they made it to the end)! The route took us through Edgecliff, Double Bay (right past one of my friend’s apartments!), along the waterfront at the stunning Rose Bay, then up HeartBreak Hill! The team became separated at this point, no matter, the view from the top of the hill is to die for and can keep anyone going until the end!
Compared to HeartBreak Hill, it was all flat/downhill from there. Through Vaucluse, Dover Heights and down onto the foreshore of the one-and-only Bondi Beach. What a place to finish a race. When you can see the water, you know you’re close!
Starting in an earlier ‘start-group’ Marty finished well before the 3 girls, smashing his time, coming in under 70 minutes! Marty turns 50 next month and tells me that Sunday was his first of 50 City2Surfs that he plans to complete. I’ll be cheering you on all the way Marty!
Justine and Danni both surprised themselves and couldn’t believe they hit their goals of completing the run without walking! By completing my PB Lifestyles Running Program, in less than 3 months these girls have gone from being able to run around 3-4km in one go to running 14km! You guys are SUPERSTARS! Well done!
Riding the high of the race, Danni and Justine are already planning which event they’ll be doing next! I can’t wait to hear!
My own goal for the day was to enjoy my time in Sydney, suck-in the sunshine, support my team in their goals and be there for them along the way! I feel ECSTATIC with Sunday’s results!
We made a post-race visit to Ruby’s Diner for some well-deserved replenishment. We all highly recommend Ruby’s for delicious, healthy wholefoods if you’re ever in Sydney (unfortunately no pics of the food – we were too ravenous after the race to remember to take food photos!).
A WONDERFUL Day had by all in the end. By the time Sunday night came around, our pillow were certainly our welcome friends 🙂